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What People are Saying about INFINIT


Our athletes’ successes are the true proof. We take the ultimate pride in helping fuel our customers to reach their performance and athletic goals. Here are just a few of their INFINIT stories.

Patsy's Crew crossing the finish line at the 2018 Badwater 135

My overall satisfaction from these products cannot really be explained.

"Having suffered so badly in the past with stomach issues, I really enjoyed the taste and the benefits of INFINIT nutrition. The taste is clean and natural as are the products, whilst they also offer a fully customised range if the individual requires. If you have suffered in the past with irritable bowel and stomach related issues, you really need to try INFINIT as I don’t think you’ll be disappointed."

Sue — United Kingdom

INFINIT Nutrition has impacted my performance by being able to train more and better with proper nutrition.

"The right recovery nutrition makes a huge impact for me to have continuous training without having to take rest after a few hard sessions. So, I can train hard the next day again"

Giel — Netherlands
Ilana's INFINIT Testimonial after her first IM 70.3

Broke the course record in AG 50-54 at IRONMAN LANZAROTE

"Did my best performance in a full distance Ironman ever because I got the exact nutrition I needed and my stomach was not a problem so I just kept on fuelling like a champ all the way to the finish line"

Bekim - Denmark

Winning AG category at Challenge Roth

"Simplifying my nutrition according to my needs, tastes and requests. One bike formula and one run formula. Super easy = super effective"

Roman — Czech Republic
Eric P Ultra Endurance Cyclist INFINIT Testimonial

Perfect control of my nutrition and hydration.

"I won Challenge Salou, in Spain last June with my Custom GO FAR on the bike! I’m sure I wouldn’t be as capable as I was if I hadn’t taken the 90g of Carbs/hour that my Custom Go Far has! I arrived at the Run in perfect control of my nutrition and hydration."

Filomena — Portugal

Solution to Ironman GI Issues

"I started using Infinit this year because I have had GI issues running Ironman and eating stomach upsetting gels, sugary drinks and solid food. Your Infinit product worked amazing for me!!! No GI issues, I finished with my second fastest time, after 8 Ironmans and felt great at the end end of the race, which allowed me to go to the finishers line at midnight and celebrate! Thanks so much for your help and will continue to use your great product."

Terry R. — Connecticut
Robert M Ultrarunner INFINIT Testimonial

INFINIT helps me to simplify my nutrition.

"Good quality products with very nice flavours (something most of the ‘famous’ brands lack) make for a simple nutrition plan where I can get in the carbs and salts I need while training and racing and also stay on top of recovery straight after working out or racing."

Marijn — Belgium

Say 'Good Bye' to Gels and Nausea

"It was such a welcomed feeling to just focus on riding/running for the next hour instead of having to time gel consumption every 10-15 minutes. I did Ironman Santa Rosa with my INFINIT blends in my bike bottles and a bottle for my run special needs. Not only did I feel awesome coming off to run, I didn’t feel nauseous and smiled a bit as I heard those around me retching and throwing up, likely from the gels they had consumed. I was glad I was no longer in their position. This really has been the only thing that has worked incredibly well for me and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to anything else."

Kevin H. — California
Andrea Thumbs up at the Dirty Kanza Finish

Fueled First 200 Mile Gravel Race

"This was my first year doing the Dirty Kanza 200-mile gravel race. Actually, for that matter, it was my first time riding 200 miles period... The last thing you want to do on a 200-mile gravel adventure is to have a bunch of different foods to carry along with you. It was easy to carry Infinit in pre-measured sandwich bags I kept in my back pack. I carried 4 bottles with me on the course and attribute drinking one bottle of Go Far an hour to keeping me hydrated and fueled on an extremely hot Dirty Kanza race course. I saw people lying in shade, cramping and sitting in creeks but I never felt like I had any of the problems that many people were having. I never bonked or hit a wall or felt dehydrated the entire 17 hours that I was on the race course. This stuff is amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone planning to tackle any race that is longer than 3 hours! I owe Infinit for helping me get across the finish line feeling strong!"

Andrea C. — Michigan